Final transnational project partners meeting (19-20 th of October 2023) was organized in Lithuania. Aim of the meeting was summarized and evaluate project results, review dissemination, impact numbers.

In Rome, 11-12th of August 2022

Second transnational project partners meeting (11-12th of August 2022) to discuss and share the common goal to improve health and wellbeing ofthe most vulnerable social groups suffering from the long-term consequences of Covid-19, including young adults andsenior citizens. All members of our organisations are also suffering from the negative consequences of pandemic. We needto respond to this ongoing crisis as soon as possible, in order to prevent more negative consequences in the future. It iswell-known from the previous social crises that dealing with immediate consequences, saving lifes and restoringinfrastructure is not enough. Healing process has to include sharing experiences of loss and grief and building resilienceand positive thinking. This process starts with acknowledgement of negative experiences. Trying to forget the past withoutanalysing it is a recipe for post-traumatic stress disorder and more negative health and social consequences in the future.The project aims to reduce negative consequences of the pandemic for health and wellbeing. We plan to achieve this goalby developing an educational program and a non-formal learning methodology focused on improving physical health andpsychological well-being of people suffering from long-term negative consequences of the Corona crisis.Strategic partnership project“Back to normal: Together for health and well-being”Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnership project2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000025964
In France, 20-21th December, 2021

First partners meeting (20-21th December, 2021) to discuss and share the common goal to improve health and wellbeing ofthe most vulnerable social groups suffering from the long-term consequences of Covid-19, including young adults andsenior citizens. All members of our organisations are also suffering from the negative consequences of pandemic. We needto respond to this ongoing crisis as soon as possible, in order to prevent more negative consequences in the future. It iswell-known from the previous social crises that dealing with immediate consequences, saving lifes and restoringinfrastructure is not enough. Healing process has to include sharing experiences of loss and grief and building resilienceand positive thinking. This process starts with acknowledgement of negative experiences. Trying to forget the past withoutanalysing it is a recipe for post-traumatic stress disorder and more negative health and social consequences in the future.The project aims to reduce negative consequences of the pandemic for health and wellbeing. We plan to achieve this goalby developing an educational program and a non-formal learning methodology focused on improving physical health andpsychological well-being of people suffering from long-term negative consequences of the Corona crisis.Strategic partnership project“Back to normal: Together for health and well-being”Erasmus Plus KA2 Strategic Partnership project2021-1-LT01-KA220-ADU-000025964