About project
know more about usBack to Normal: Life skills for health and well being
We all share the common goal to improve health and well-being of the most vulnerable social groups suffering from the long-term consequences of Covid-19, including young adults and senior citizens. All members of our organisations are also suffering from the negative consequences of pandemic. Within this project framework we prevent more negative consequences in the future. It is well-known from the previous social crises that dealing with immediate consequences, saving lifes and restoring infrastructure is not enough. Healing process has to include sharing experiences of loss and grief and building resilience and positive thinking. This process starts with acknowledgement of negative experiences. Trying to forget the past without
analysing it is a recipe for post-traumatic stress disorder and more negative health and social consequences in the future.
The project aims to reduce negative consequences of the pandemic for health and well-being by implementing different activities with adults learners and by developed an Educational program, Storytelling non-formal learning methodology and Online course focused on improving physical health and
psychological well-being of people suffering from long-term negative consequences of the Corona crisis.
Adult education program
The adult Educational program focused on developing lifestyle skills that helps adult learners to cope with the psychological stress, to build resilience in the face of loss and grief, to share negative experiences with their peers and to gain psychological support.
The innovative Storytelling non-formal learning methodology for adult educators improve the competences of educators in dealing with vulnerable groups suffering from negative physical and mental consequences of the global health crisis.
Storytelling is a powerful tool that helps people to make sense of stressful events
and traumatic experience. By telling their stories, people from vulnerable groups, including young adults and elderly citizens will gain agency and the sense of control of their life.
Storytelling as a non-formal learning methodology helps in building resilience, positive thinking, coping with loss and grief and getting support from peers and healthcare professionals.
Narrative therapy methodology in non-formal learning
We use stories to inform others, connect over shared experiences, say when we feel pain, and sort out our thoughts and feelings. Stories organise our thoughts, help us find meaning and purpose, and establish our identity in a confusing and sometimes lonely world.
Stories help people to understand what is happening in their lives, what has happened, how it has happened, and what it all means. In this way, stories provide opportunities for more meaningful life and relationships. When people distance themselves from their traumatic experiences, they become aware of how to make a better future. By creating this distance, people find the opportunity for a more meaningful life.
Narrative therapy capitalizes on our storytelling tendencies. Its goal is to uncover opportunities for growth and development, find meaning, and understand ourselves better through telling stories. Narrative therapy is a method of guiding people toward healing and personal development using the stories we tell ourselves and others.
This project is initiated by the partner organisations from four EU countries affected by the global Covid-19 crisis.
All project partners have experience in adult education, are professional psychologist, scientist, adult educators practicionists.
We all share the common goal to improve health and well-being of
the most vulnerable social groups suffering from the long-term consequences of Covid-19, including young adults and senior citizens.
Non-formal learning club “WE”
Fenan consulting
The Netherlands
Mitra France